
Tuesday, November 9, 2010

i not stupid.

stupid (adj.) - slow of mind, lacking intelligence or reasons.
source: Merriam-webster Dictionary

out of 6 billion people roaming the earth, probably half of them tend to use the word 'stupid' rather loosely. i've heard sweet dainty little kids chanting it on the playground as if it were prayers. i've seen adults, i mean, sexegenarians spit the word (figuratively of course) among themselves. yet, we proudly (or rather naively) announced that our kinds are one of them well-mannered species. if only animals could laugh, i'd think they'd be dead by now laughing their fat asses off out loud while rolling on the floor and stomping the ground at the inexplicability of it. just the thought of us humans being civilised is enough to probably make them want to hurl the word 'stupid' back at us. thank god animals speak this whole different language than us, or else i can bet my two cents that they'd be long extinct, castrate by humans due to their awesome mocking ability.

few ever wondered, what makes a somewhat decent chap stupid? what defines stupid, and who are you to decide that that particular someone is eligible to be bestowed upon him the word 'stupid' to his name? is falling flat on your face after tripping over a hedge is stupid? does being unable to solve a fifth grade math makes you stupid? does forgetting to feed a cat its meal makes it alright to call the owner stupid? think about it, how many times do we use the word 'stupid' without thinking about it, throwing the word on impulse, not hesitating a bit. does it make you feel any smarter after hurling the word at someone, thinking, "Gosh, thank god i'm not that stupid!"? we humans are insane lots, i'm telling you. we're so full of ourselves that we turned blind to our imperfections and inadequacy, thinking other people are invincible to our hurtful words that we carelessly called someone 'stupid'.

here's what i think is stupid:

1. refusing, not forgetting, to fasten your seat belt and risking your life without considering its repercussions to your loved ones.

2. subjecting yourself to a wasteful death as in involving in drugs, cigarettes, free sex, abortion etc.

3. politicians who are so gung-ho about feeding the poor but in reality feed off their money by unnecessary taxes and bribery.

4. being a muslim but is in a state of denial to embrace the true meaning of being one, refusing to follow the path that God favored, but chose to gone astray instead, knowing that it would only lead to His wrath.

there. presumably, i could enlist more but these four are just to give you the gist of it; of what i believe is acceptable to compliment the so-called term 'stupid'. in short, i put it in my own sweet cherry-on-top charismatic definition as:

stupid (adj.) - being in a state where you are completely aware of the negativity your actions carry or the effects they have on others yet the actions were carried out nonetheless.
source: Effa Hamid's Guide for Dummies
who Called Others Dummies

therefore kiddos, the next time you heard someone say the word 'stupid', or are about to say it over not-so-intricate matters, you can reiterate this definition of mine out loud right next to their ears. or if they are much bigger than you are in size, you can just shout it in a distance where you can easily dash off in case they decide to pummel you next.

good luck!

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