
Wednesday, August 4, 2010

a woman. i am.

we are complicated. we are demanding. and most of the time, we have no idea what we want, and so we left it for you to figure it out for us. sometimes, or rather seldom, we do know what we want, but then we changed our mind like five seconds later, and changed it back the next five, and so on. see, we are indecisive people. but that's only because there are hundreds of thousands of things that we want in life, so much so that we don't even know what we really want out of those numbers. there would also be times when we get confused between things that we want and things that we need. i mean are prada shoes a desire or need? on the surface, it might seem like we simply want it to satisfy our addiction of walking in public wearing the most sought after pair of shoes. but if you look between the heels (read: shopaholic version of reading between the lines) you might be able to see the essential of owning the shoes, as essential as having water sources on the earth. you see, we need the shoes to boost our self-esteem, we need them to assert self-control of our surrounding, we need them to remind ourselves that even if our boss is an asshole, our boyfriend cheated on us, we still have one thing to hold on to - the prada shoes. i mean it's a jungle out there. you can't expect them to let you set up a tent and rest. you have to defend that tent, build traps, and use fireguns if you have to. in a nutshell, we might just need the shoes more than we want them, right?

we also said things we don't mean. you do too, but we did it as a habit. means we did it thousand times more frequent than you do. we're borne with it, with this tendency to say things the opposite of what we really mean. i'm also clueless as to how this habit started to reside in us, it's like it's hereditary, genetics or something. we women passed this tradition from civilisations ago, and it's still strong as ever. like a silent vow that cannot be broken. so when you asked stupid things like, "are you mad at me?" and was answered by "no" or "of course not", all you have to do is to break down the code into the opposite, which says "the hell i am, you bloody bastard". but of course, this is just an example of the most common scenarios between a clueless man and his anger-suppresive girlfriend. but under some odd circumstances, there are times when a "no" really means no. for instance, "can i smoke in here?" and her "no" most undoubtedly means no. i know it's quite tricky, isn't it? but don't worry, as time goes by, you just might be able to differentiate between the artificial "no" and the realistic "no". practice makes perfect. you can start by dissecting the replies you got from your family members, like sisters or mother. when you have built your confidence level, you can move on to your girlfriend. get the picture?

most of all, we prefer to be your last love than your first love. it's always nice to be your first love, but it's better to be your last. we would not give a damn of who your first love really is, or how magnificent and truly worshippable she is. all we care about is the fact that you chose to love us the last, means you're giving us the privilege of growing old with you, of bickering and fighting and then making up everyday for the rest of your life, to raise a family together and to be the one that when people asked, you would refer us as "my wife". that's all that matters for us. really. see how different you are with us? it means the world to you to be our first love. because no woman, i mean not one of us women ever forget our first love. it might fade away for some but never really went away. it stayed. permanently, like writings engraved on tombstone. people might not go to graveyards often, but their loved ones were never forgotten. so we do get why being our first love is damn important to you. you get to be a part of our lives for as long as we live. no matter how painful that would be for us. but honestly, we much prefer to be your last love. so when you have us by your side, and you want to keep it that way, please try your very best, the best that you can possibly do, to refrain from talking about your exes. try focusing on the present and you just might not lose us. or easier, don't talk about other women at all when you're with us, not even our sister or our best friend, let alone your friends who happened to be a woman. talking is one thing, complimenting is another. nope, that wouldn't do as well. we're hypersensitive, we're delusional, and we have insecure issues. but hey don't blame us, you guys are allowed to have four of us legally, and we...well we're not. so yeah that's pretty much covered the jealousy issue we have as well. we are actually very sensible creatures, once you decipher us accurately. and meticulously. and patiently.

amidst knowing all these, believe it or not, you'll fall in love with us nonetheless. because having us around to fight with, is bearable than not having us at all. and vice versa. so just fall in love, because everyone has equal chance to be miserable, if they want to. brace yourself to embrace us. you probably wind up happier than being alone. and for the miserable part, it comes with the package. ^^;

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