
Thursday, July 2, 2009

another day.

had a relief for 2F today since kak najwa had a meeting. subject: science. hoho..never been good at it. the students kept asking me not only science questions but maths and general knowledge as well. darn! of all the subjects i'm good at, they actually gave me science. this might as well be a conspiracy from the school to test my survival skills just like when they gave me 1F.

anyway, i managed to gebang (a word i learned from 1F's Firdaus which means to lie..heee..) which by the way is an impromptu act of unplanned scheme to save my face. i mean how am i supposed to remember which plants are monocotyledon or dicotyledon or something? i'm not even sure i can spell them right either. hahah!!
so my shoulder angel or demon (whichever it was at that time) whispered to me then and there "change the topic, effa, and dont make it obvious!"

so we ended up playing riddles instead. "Cikgu, apa bende yg akan naik je tp takkan turun2?" alkisah bertanyalah pelajar bernama meor kpd aku yg memang fail bab teka-teki nih. dgn penoh konfiden aku jawab.."Oh saya tau tu..dh penah jawab dulu. jap eh saya nk ingat balik.." And again i cheat! muahahahaha! i asked his clasmates and they mouthed at me "Age, teacher, age!" LOL..poor meor...;p

and then came nithia..with her maths problem. aiyak! double aiyak!! kak najwa is nowhere in sight and she's coming nearer and nearer..dub dab dub dab. i just knew it'll come to this. with nithia, you cant just change the topic. she'll make you wish you'd studied harder during school. haish..luckily, i must've done some good lately for i managed to get the answer! (with only like five attempts)..but still..heee..

then i entered the most 'anticipated' 1F..i was early as usual and kak azah was still in the class. surprisingly, all of them were writing. WRITING! with 1F that's a miracle. so i asked firdaus later on "Why is it that when i'm teaching you guys dont behave like that?" He told me matter-of-factly.."Cikgu azah ni baik. kami buat ape2 pon x pe. nak men bola ke, nk wat bising ke..sume bole. sbb tu kitorg suker. klo teacher len la..garang sangat!" Aku garang? aku?? garang??? hoho..tapi ntah knp senyumku smkin melebar. garang jugak aku upanyer..hahah padan muke korang..

i met a new student in 1F. her name is Ong Re Teng. i checked my record book and guess what? she wasn't so new after all. her name was there all along. its just that ever since i taught this class, she has been absent. i asked her where has she been and she just kept quiet. i noticed that all the chinese males are very protective of her. she seemed very quiet and reserved unlike the rest of the girls in the class. maybe i better put on my nancy drew traits and investigate..(ciri2 cikgu busybody..;p)

with 1C its a different story. when i entered their class for the last period, kata mereka.."Cikgu ni baek sangat la sbb tu dorang wat bising.." Tak kurang juga yg backup aku.."Korang ni dh dapat cikgu baik pon buat perangai lagi.." heheh..thanks afiq. tp thanks tu x bertahan lame sbb lepas tuh dia pulak yg wat bising. cett! kuang asam punyer student. mati2 aku terharu dibuatnyer. i was supposed to teach them 'The Lake Isle of Innisfree' but my set induction went straight into the drain. i was supposed to only remind them about their oral test next week but guess what i ended up doing? oral test!! aku pulak yg kne wat oral test depan dorg. nk suh wat demo la konon2nyer..dekat 20 mins lak tuh..huh! sabar effa, sabar..

last but not least, the incident at the surau during asar prayer really makes it into a cherry on top of a cake. i had miscalculated the time and ended up praying during the boys' time for asar prayer. i went in the surau for a good few minutes before them when all of a sudden, i heard my 1C's boys approaching.."Eh ni kasut cikgu huzaifah ni. (i still cant believe you guys remember my shoes and its not like i wear the same shoes can be so scary sometimes!) even worse then..musa called.."Cikguuuu!!!! cikgu ade kat dalam ker?" talk about discretion people! now the whole surau knew what shoes i wear..haish..

i wonder what tomorrow has in store for me. keep my fingers crossed..

p.s cikgu nuar cakap x elok ngumpat students sendiri. maybe i should send in my name for the chutzpah award next year.

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